Sunday, May 8, 2011

Watch This Space

Today, is the first day of academic freedom.  I finished my second Freshman year of College (PSEO screws you up a lot), and honestly, I am sitting here in my mostly empty apartment and I'm not enjoying it as much as I wish I could.  A couple days ago (okay, a week), my roommate Tyler moved out,we never really connected much, but I miss him anyway,  Tomorrow morning, my roommate Chris is leaving, and then sometime after that Jeff.  They're leaving my life, in the same order they entered it.  It's been a year now in College, officially, and I look back over the year, and I think... wow... what happened??
I'm not an optimist, nor am I a pessimist, so I suppose all that's left to be is a realist.  I'm sad to see the three guys I lived with, ate with, cleaned with, and studied with leave, knowing the very real chances I won't see them again.  The friendships I've; made, lost, rebuilt, and all the others throughout this year are definitely life-changing.  The sad part is, the few that I loved so much, are the very same ones I will not likely see either.  My CA (for the rest of the world RA)  Press, it was like looking into the mirror, there are more similarities than differences, yet the differences are so deeply rooted it's quite really odd we get along.  However, none the less, I will miss him, oh so very greatly.  there are so many others that have impacted my life, and as per usual they're the ones that last as long as a breath in the Minnesota winter air.
Now, I could sit here, and recount the moments that I will miss for the rest of my life, and utterly depress you, or I could merely tell you the stories, either way pouring words of intrinsically worthless value ad nauseum, or I could say something worth the time you've already put into this.
Time is the currency of the living, and we have no better an economic system than the US Federal Government as it is, yet alas, there is no economic reform for this.  God gave us a credit card, and we eventually have to pay the balance.  it seems that the running theme in each post has been to impart some kind of urge to do something, and it seems that this one is of no exception.  Life is expensive, the cost of living inside the Human Body is immense and if the Russians were more philosophically minded I'm sure they'd have revolted here too.  We spend out use our cards on people, work, school, video-games, books, food, and sleeping, and that can comprise the fullness of one's life.  I don't want to advocate that we spend less or even consider the wisdom involved in people, so I wont, but perhaps we should check, and make sure we're investing in people not tithing.  Within the last few days a friend of mine got a call that her aunt had died, my best friend lives with the fear of getting a phone call saying her Husband was KIA, my mom lives with the same terror, and yet I woke up this morning and couldn't have cared less about any of it, I just laid there and tried to muster the decision making powers to resurrect my body from its nocturnal damnation.  Maybe, we should spend a little less time caring about what happened last night, and a little more on how to make today worth the memory.  Maybe instead of our first tweet being about the hangover from the party, it should be "WATCH THIS SPACE" and then make it worthy of the comments, and questions, and recount the awesomeness of our day.. maybe we should use our card more on a meaningful moment with a new friend, and less on the fight...

so... in anticipation for tomorrow...


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I'm sitting here.. and wondering why do I care?

This is the third time I've gotten about half of a page written down and scrapped it. I'm sitting here and I'm wondering, why do I care what you think about what I'm writing. I'm thinking, and finding myself even more perplexed at the thought that you care at all! I'm a quirky college student in a less than prestigious school, here in the coldest most misunderstood state I'm aware of and I'm wondering, why on earth do you care?
To you, I am no one, to you I am a random voice amid trillions pandering for your attention, and so far theres nothing that you should possibly think is worth the reading. Yet, here I am.
It occurs to me, that you don't read this for the mere sake of learning, or for the sake of any other academic prowess. You read this because you read this. There is no necessarily logical, reasonable, predictable fact that should endow any expectation for you to read this, but yet, you are. Right now, you have traversed 175 words. 175 words more than was on the internet before, 175 words more than you had read in your life, 175 more words than I've written in my life. I heard once; that "an artists job is to captivate you, for as long as we have asked for your attention." I can't say that I am much of an artist, least ways, not any more, but I have asked for your attention this day, and you have been generous. What then can I captivate you with?
What if I were to ask you a question?
What if I were to take the role for a moment, and stand in your room, and ask you a question as you yourself would ask of you?
Permit me.
This is my question to you; "What are you doing?"
You woke up today, you went to class, took a test, read a book, or maybe just bummed around facebook. You grabbed a meal, or saw some friends, but I really want to know, what are you doing? Have you done anything of value today? Have you done anything of worth? Have you even once in the last week done something that may actually matter enough as to be remembered be even one person as an action of value?
I haven't.
I suppose, after considering that, and finding perhaps, that you are just as lazy as I am, the next logical question must be "Are you okay with that?"
Are you?
I'm not.. I'm asking myself the same questions, and I'm annoyed, of furious, or disgusted, I can't tell.
Maybe if we took a little time to matter, we could possibly see the world get its act together. Maybe if we were a bit more intentional about what we say, and what we do, maybe then we could stop fighting with our girlfriends, or stop bickering with our boyfriends, about dramatically over-valued things we said two weeks ago, perhaps then we could get down to what really matters, have more than our friends who we eat lunch with, and play Smash with, have a deeper relationship with someone than how was class? or Where's my bong. Maybe if we cared a little more about making 24 hours worth the fact of living it, our petty squabbles would matter less, and maybe just maybe we actually get to know each other.

However, I caution you (and am reminding myself), getting to know someone does have one draw back, it leaves you open to getting hurt. Hearts deal in scars, either by the giving of them at at midnight, or the healing of them at dawn. A heart without scars knows not life itself, for all of life is a dialog, and a heart without scars has never spoken. If you fear the chance of scarring so much that you never attempt it, you will never know the joy of having a friend, and that, that is just far too terrible a thought to ponder.

All right, I'l stop bending you ears, but think about this.. if today your life ended, what will you be remembered for by those you leave behind, and is it worthy of memory, whether it be or not, what can you do tomorrow to make tomorrow worth it?

Monday, May 2, 2011

A little thing I call Cadence & Candor

I sat there, at my computer, and thought what on earth do you name this?  I thought about exactly what I want the name to encompass, I thought about ironies, satires, metaphors, and puns, I thought about my loves, my thoughts, my losses, and my longings, and then I thought about other blogs. In other blogs, I usually wind up  wanting to laugh at how much of their life is lived online, and knew I couldn't, wouldn't, and shouldn't want to do that.  Therefore, it is with sober minded and measured excitement that I present to you just a little thing I call "Cadence and Candor."

For some of you it may make little sense, but for others this will be painful.  Cadence is the rhythmic character of a speech, and candor is a frankness.  I figure, if I am to make use of this blog, I may as well do so with cadence and candor.  Giving a reader a refreshing change of literary pace, and a sobering Socratic perspective.

This won't be a running tally of my Call of Duty Kills, or my daily reprimand of the local chapter of the  "There But By the Grace of God" Society.  What it will be however, is; sometimes a response, sometimes a retort, sometimes an interesting thought, and others a lesson taught.

Enjoy, this, a little thing I call "Cadence and Candor".