I dare you....
Can you see it? The fear? Can you feel? His hand is covering my mouth... as he presses into me... and he whispers things... Things I cannot bear to speak.... With one hand he covers my mouth... I can smell the cigarettes and alcohol on him... and with his other... he touches me....
I try to retreat..... but I hear the door open....
As shards of light break into the room.... I see three or four men step in...
I swallow... and I disappear.... I know that these are just the first ones.....When I come to the next morning... the stench of those men is still in the air... I barely remember anything...

How many of them were there? after a while I just see black.... I try to sit up, and I feel the stickiness of my depravity all over me... the door open and in comes my pimp...
I jump to my feet, still sore from last night... and he throws a towel at me.... demanding I clean off.... He looks at me.... half with lust... half with hatred.... as he walks out of the room....
They took me when I was a little girl.... and for two years I have been moved from city to city, country to country... they load us up into trucks, like dogs....
20 of us....
Last month, Laura died.... we were on the truck.... and she'd been in too long... she pulled herself to the wall and went to sleep....
At least... I thought she was asleep....
When we arrived, the men dragged us off the truck-bed like sacks of grain, sometimes slapping us, others.... touching us..... we were lead into a little room...
The Show Room.....
The Man came in again... ordered us to undress..... snapping his fingers at us... a few moments later... entered in the buyers...
Like cattle they poked us... stroking their hands down our sides...
inspecting our flesh... like a rancher does to stock...
It seemed like forever, the poking... rough hands feeling around me..
Now.... came time to
test the merchandise...
Each one of the buyers selected his favorite girl... and the Pimp snapped his fingers again....
The men from the truck walked in... and directed each of us to a room.... here... we waited...
One by one... like cars.... we were test-driven...
You think I am just a Vagina for you to masturbate?? Is that all I am to you? Do you even notice my face? Or is is merely my breasts... the things that interest you... Am I just a warm thing? Can you see my eyes? Can you feel the pain? When you bring your hand to my face, do you not see me shudder? How can you not see??? HOW ARE YOU SO BLIND!?
Look into our eyes.... Can you see us? Go on....
Look..... tell me... can you still hate me even then? Can you still do these things?
Can you still sit in your bedroom.... and watch them as they take what little is left of me?
Can you?
They took me when I was little.... I didn't understand... at first.... I was so young.... So much life.... but now.... look in my eyes! Can you see how dead they are? Look at what I've become.... how could anyone get out??? How could anyone want this... how could anyone ever want this?
Sold... Bought.. Rented... I am someones sex-toy for a night... Used... Taken.. Beaten... Drugged... Slave... They call me
Bitch... They call me
Cunt.... tramp....
so many things they call me... everything except my name...
My Name is Anna.... I have to say it to myself.... so I won't forget.... Anna.... Anna.... I love you Anna....
Can you look yet?
You should know...
Its not just in Asia... Its not just in Africa... Europe.... or some far off place...
50,000 of us come here.... many of us are sitting in the trucks at your gas stations...
In the last ten years.... over 750,000 of us have been sold here... in the US....
We're not someone elses problem... its here....
We're trapped....
Will you listen now??
We are unloved...
And yet you sit at your computer...
You watch what they do to us...You witness our pain... you witness their crimes...
Some of you even like it.. you like the pain.... you like to see the terrible things they do....
For now...
All I can do is survive....
Will you listen???